The Essentials of Baidu Technical SEO

So you want to optimize your website for Baidu search? Great idea. Baidu is the dominant search engine in China, and if you want traffic from Chinese users, you need to make sure your site is set up properly. The good news is that Baidu SEO, or technical SEO, isn’t too complicated. Follow these essential tips and you’ll be well on your way to climbing the Baidu rankings.

The first thing you need to do is make sure Baidu can index your site. Submit your XML sitemap through Baidu Webmaster tools and check for any errors. Double check that your site has a unique title tag, meta description, and loads fast on mobile devices. Baidu is all about the user experience, so having an optimized, mobile-friendly site is key.

Baidu also loves content, so publish useful blog posts, guides and resources for your Chinese readers. Make sure any media on your site like images have alt text and videos have transcripts. The more Chinese content you have, the better.

If you nail these basics, you’ll have a solid foundation for your Baidu SEO. From there, you can start link building, monitoring your rankings and making tweaks to move on up. With some time and effort, you’ll start seeing more and more organic traffic from Baidu.

Optimizing Your Site Structure for Baidu

To rank well on Baidu, you need to optimize your website structure. Baidu favors sites with a clear hierarchy and internal linking structure.

  • Aim for 3 to 5 levels in your site architecture. Don’t go too deep, or Baidu may have trouble crawling all your pages.
  • Include a sitemap and submit it to Baidu Webmaster Tools. This helps Baidu discover all your pages. Update your sitemap regularly as you add content.
  • Use descriptive page titles, URLs, and headers. These act like little road signs that help Baidu understand your content and site structure.
  • Link internally between pages. This passes “link juice” and shows how your content is connected. But don’t overdo it, or it could look like spam.
  • Follow Baidu’s guidelines for pagination. Add “page=2” to URLs for page 2, “page=3” for page 3, and so on. This helps Baidu find all your paginated content.

Optimizing your site structure for Baidu may require making some changes to your CMS or working with your dev team. But the rewards of increased traffic and visibility will make the effort worthwhile. With some strategic tweaks, you’ll have Baidu crawling your site efficiently in no time.

Using Relevant Keywords in Your Page Titles and Meta Descriptions

To rank well in Baidu, you need to optimize your page titles and meta descriptions. These are the snippets of text that appear in the search results, so they need to grab attention and convince people to click.

First, make sure your page title includes your target keyword or phrase. Put it as close to the beginning as possible, preferably within the first 3-5 words. Your title should be compelling but avoid being spammy or clickbait.

You also want to include your keyword in the meta description, preferably in the first sentence. Keep your description to around 150-160 characters to fit nicely in the search results. Mention the topic or product plus a benefit or call to action to pique interest. For example, “Learn the basics of technical SEO to improve your Baidu rankings and drive more organic traffic.”

Use related words or phrases in your title and description too, not just repeating the same keyword over and over. So for “technical SEO,” you could say “search engine optimization techniques” or “the essentials of optimizing your site for Baidu.” Sprinkle in synonyms and semantically similar terms to appear more natural.

Finally, don’t forget about keyword proximity – keep your target phrase close together in the title and meta description. This signals to Baidu what your content is really about. With the right keywords in the right places, you’ll be well on your way to higher rankings and more clicks!

Optimizing your page titles and meta descriptions is a simple but important step. Keep at it, and before you know it, you’ll be on the first page of Baidu results!

Submitting Your Site to Baidu for Indexing

To get your website indexed in Baidu, you’ll need to submit it for inclusion in their search results. Follow these steps:

Register a Baidu account

First, set up a free Baidu account. This will allow you to log in to their webmaster tools and submit your site.

Verify site ownership

Once logged in, you’ll need to verify that you own the domain you want to submit. Baidu will provide a file for you to upload to your server. After uploading, check that the verification is successful.

Submit sitemap

A sitemap is a file that lists all the pages on your website. Submit your XML sitemap through Baidu webmaster tools. This helps Baidu discover all your site’s pages.

Submit individual URLs

In addition to your sitemap, you can submit important pages on your site individually. Make sure to include your site’s home page at a minimum. Submit pages that you want to rank well in Baidu, like service pages or product pages.

Configure site settings

Check that your site’s encoding is set to UTF-8, the character set Baidu expects. Also be sure your site’s language is set to Chinese. These site settings will ensure Baidu can properly read and index your content.

Check index status

It can take Baidu a few days to fully index a new site. To check your indexing status, enter your site’s URL in the Baidu search box. If your site appears in the results, Baidu has successfully indexed it. You’re now ready to start optimizing to improve your rankings!

Following these essential steps will get your website submitted to Baidu for indexing in their search engine. Be patient through the process and double check that all verifications and submissions are successful. Once indexed, you can begin improving your rankings over time through ongoing optimization.

Monitoring Your Baidu Rankings and Traffic

Monitoring Your Rankings and Traffic

To see how your technical SEO efforts are impacting your Baidu rankings and traffic, you need to regularly check your stats. This allows you to make adjustments as needed to keep improving.

Monitor your Baidu rankings for target keywords to see if you’re moving up. Use a tool like Baidu Index to track your rankings over time. Are you on the first page for key terms? Climbing higher in the results? Falling behind competitors? Look for opportunities to refine your on-page and off-page optimization.

Check your Baidu traffic numbers in Baidu Analytics. See if you’re getting more visitors over time, especially from organic search. Look at metrics like page views, unique visitors, time on site, and bounce rate. Optimizing for Baidu SEO should drive increases in traffic from Baidu search. If traffic is declining or stagnant, reevaluate your keyword targeting and on-page content.

Analyze your top performing pages to see what’s working. Look for pages ranking well and driving traffic. Figure out what makes them successful so you can replicate it across your site. See if there are pages that could use improvement to better attract Baidu search traffic.

Evaluate your internal linking structure. Make sure important pages on your site are well connected through contextual links. This helps Baidu bots crawl your content and can improve rankings. Look for orphaned pages that lack strong internal links and work to better integrate them into your site’s navigation.

Monitoring your Baidu performance regularly and making changes to optimize your technical SEO and content will help boost your search traffic and rankings over time. Paying close attention to what’s working—and not working—can make a big difference.

Page Speed Is Important

Baidu, like Google, values fast loading web pages. Page speed is an important factor in Baidu’s search ranking algorithm. The faster your pages load, the higher they will rank in Baidu search results.

Optimize Images

Images make up most of the data on web pages. Compress your images to make them smaller in size, which will speed up your page loading times. Use free tools like TinyPNG or to optimize your images.

Minimize Code

The more code on your page, the longer it will take to load. Remove any unnecessary code from your pages. Minify HTML, CSS and JavaScript to strip out whitespace and comments. This can reduce file sizes by up to 20% and speed up load times.

Enable Compression

Enable Gzip compression on your web server. This compresses web pages, style sheets, scripts and images to reduce their size before sending them over to the user. Gzip compression can reduce the size of files by up to 70% and significantly improve page load speeds.

Reduce Server Response Time

A fast server response time means pages load quicker. Choose a web hosting provider with fast servers and a solid uptime and performance record. A slow server response time will slow down your page load speeds no matter how well you optimize everything else.

Keeping your pages fast and light will improve your rankings and user experience in Baidu. Page speed is an important factor for search engines and web visitors alike. Make page speed a priority and you’ll reap the rewards with higher traffic and conversions.

Utilize HTTPS

To rank well in Baidu, it’s essential to have an HTTPS website. HTTPS, or Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, encrypts the data transferred between your website and the user’s browser. This protects sensitive information like passwords, contact forms, and credit card numbers from being accessed by third parties.


Having an HTTPS website provides security for both your site visitors and your site. Their information is kept private and secure, and your site is protected from hackers attempting to access data or install malware.

Ranking Boost

Baidu favors HTTPS websites in their algorithm and will give sites using HTTPS a ranking boost over those without it. This is because HTTPS websites provide a better, safer user experience. By switching your site to HTTPS, you’ll likely see an increase in organic traffic and ranking over time.


Visitors feel more at ease entering personal information or making purchases on HTTPS websites because their data is encrypted and secure. This leads to higher conversion rates and customer trust in your brand. Many users now actually expect sites to have HTTPS, so not having it can damage your credibility.


The good news is, switching to HTTPS is often free and straightforward. If your site is hosted by a major hosting provider like Bluehost, HostGator or A2 Hosting, they will likely provide a free SSL certificate to enable HTTPS on your site. You just have to request it, install it, and update a few settings. The entire process usually only takes a few minutes. If you have a custom development site, you may need to work with your developer to implement HTTPS.

In summary, utilizing HTTPS is one of the most impactful technical SEO optimizations you can make for Baidu. It boosts your rankings, builds trust, and provides security—all of which lead to more traffic and higher conversions. What’s not to like? Switch your site to HTTPS today!

Don’t Collapse Content On Mobile

Optimize for mobile

With over 60% of searches on Baidu now happening on mobile devices, optimizing your content for mobile users is crucial. Don’t collapse important content on mobile or make users click to expand it. This includes:

  • Headings: Headings should be prominently displayed, not collapsed under a “Read More” link. Use H2 and H3 headings to break up content and make it easy to scan.
  • Images: Ensure images are visible and not hidden under expandable galleries. Add alt text to images for accessibility and SEO.
  • Key information: Lead with your key message, main takeaway or most important information right at the top of the page. Don’t force mobile users to click to expand in order to see it.
  • Bulleted/numbered lists: Break up long blocks of text with bulleted or numbered lists. Keep these fully expanded on mobile.
  • CTAs: Calls to action should be obvious and visible without needing to expand content. Tell users clearly what you want them to do.

Keeping content concise while expanded and easily scannable on mobile is key. Pay attention to page load times as well, as slow loading pages lead to high bounce rates, especially on mobile. Run tests on multiple devices to ensure your content displays well and key information is not hidden on mobile.

Optimizing for the mobile experience is one of the most important things you can do for search rankings and user experience. Give mobile users the best experience possible by keeping your content open and making the most important information immediately visible and scannable.


So there you have it, the essentials of Baidu technical SEO that will set your website up for success in the Chinese search engine. By optimizing your page titles, meta descriptions, image alt text, and internal linking, you’ll be well on your way to improved rankings and more organic traffic from Baidu. Remember, Baidu is a different beast than Google, so doing your technical SEO homework is key. But with some time and effort focusing on the fundamentals, you’ll start to see your site move up in the Baidu search results. Keep learning, keep optimizing, and keep building high-quality content – you’ve got this! Now go crush it with your Baidu technical SEO and watch as more Chinese visitors discover your awesome website.